Download 4 Hours of Ambient Music Composed by Moby


General stress is something that is impossible to avoid in life. It can be caused by a problem at work, meeting new people, or before taking a test. Sometimes we find ourselves in situations where we can't fight back these stress hormones racing around our bodies. Stress and anxiety can kill us slowly. 

So how do you deal with stress?

According to studies, many people turn to self-harm to deal with difficult emotions. Others try to forget by drinking heavily. The majority of people will try to fight these feelings with negative behaviors. There are a ton of things you can do to cope with stress besides ruining your mental and physical health. There are techniques for calming your mind and transforming those feelings into energy and focus.

However, I recommend music. And by music, I don't mean happy and melodious pop songs that we encounter daily. I mean music that calms the body and wash away all intrusive thoughts. Composer Richard Melville Hall known by his stage name Moby made what he describes on his website as "really really really quiet music to listen to when I do yoga or sleep or meditate or panic." He composed 4 hours of music and "decided to give it away". He said. The collection consists of 11 Ambient pieces between around 20 and 30minutes each. The pieces are really quiet, with no drums, no vocals, just very slow and calm chords, and sounds. You can Download them at Moby's site. Moby self-released this for a good cause. No marketing, no promotion. He did it because he can.

He also gives you the option to play the recordings on Apple Music, Soundcloud, Deezer, and other platforms.


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